Monday, July 4, 2011

Oxford and Blenheim Palace with Elyse!

Sorry for not writing for a couple of days there! I had a jampacked weekend AND paper due so there was little time to write! On Friday, the 28th, Eylse and I woke up super early for a day full of the regal town of Oxford and the beautiful Blenheim Palace. It took about an hour and a half to get there, and despite a rather difficult morning, (we didn't print out or tickets beforehand and therefore had to run all over to find an internet cafe!) we had a fantastic day of sight-seeing, and are planning to go back. Oxford was just that awesome... Here are some lovely pictures!

Tunnel to get to the grand entrance.

Countryside: such a NICE break form the city life! 

Couldn't even get the entire Palace in the shot- it was so beautiful and big!

Fantastical gate!

Rump and just ONE of the many gardens of the palace.

Rustic fountain.

Another amazing garden- it had mermaids! 
And then we headed back to Oxford for a University tour :)

Reading room in the center of the city. 


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