Friday, July 29, 2011

High Tea Farewell Event

Today, the IES program planned a farewell event for us to Fortnum and Mason for a legitimate high tea. It was beyond adorable. Apparently, this place is pretty high class, seeing as our tea was in fine china, and we were on the 'penthouse' floor of the building. Outlandish I tell you! 

Exterior sign: glam.

My meal: so much sugar in so many small pastries. 

The gals: me, Elyse, Jory, and Anna! 

Can we all just appreciate the fact that Jory has a fascinator on.. :) 

The whole table! 


The entrance to the first floor of food and tea. 

Anna, Elyse, and Kristen, Jenna's sister. 

Cheers Manresa Road! It's been a wonderful time. 

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