Tuesday, June 7, 2011

London: Day One. Part 2. 6.7.2011.

DISCLAIMER PART TWO: Ambulances are EVERYWHERE. As are tourists. And they walk into you. Constantly. But here are some fun photos from today!! The weather was beautiful once everyone finally got into a good mood, aka my father. 

Protestors-- Interesting!
193 stairs to get to the CircleTube! (can you all feel the grunge...so hipster chic!)

Side shot of Parliament Buildings and Big Ben. Big Ben is actually NOT that big. :) 
Huge, outrageous, awesome, beautiful, expensive shopping area called Covent Gardens. We could NOT find the H&M, even though there were people mysteriously carrying their bags for blocks, and upon questioning, they kindly pointed us in the direction of the store... but STILL NO LUCK! We never found it! Maybe it's because we say it incorrectly... it's not "h AND m," but rather, it's "hm," but sounds like "itchum.." Typical Europe! 

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