Saturday, June 11, 2011

Das Handy

     Okay, so everyone pretty much knows that London *Europe in general* does not work on the same phone system America does, that's just a given. However, JUST HOW DIFFERENT, I was completely unaware of. I had to buy a "pay as your go" phone (virgin mobile anyone?!) due to my program, and let me just say, I still don't exactly know what I bought. What I DO know is that the brick is back. Very back.
Here is my lovely Samsung phone, complete with an alarm clock, an "outbox" and a games section! I feel like I'm back in high school, when phones had antenas and really bad screen discoloration. However, this phone is incredibly light and handy, so it works for me. 
Instead of buying minutes, you purchase a "top up".... in pounds I believe.. I'm still not quite sure. I bought the phone for 5 pounds, with a "top up" of 20 pounds.. so I think I have enough minutes that covers 20 pounds. haha so silly! 

Either way, it's been entertaining being back in the technology of the early 2000's! 


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