Wednesday, June 29, 2011

London 6.29.2011 My Chase Visa's 4th Birthday

Today is my sweet little dog Chase's birthday! Happy Birtday little Visa!

For our architecture class, we are taken all over the city to actually visit the sites we are learning about. The pictures below are from our visit to the Queen's House and the Royal Hospital for Seamen in Greenwich! 
Far away glance.

Stone Window Frames.

A little closer...

Painted ceiling in the grand dining hall of the Royal Hospital for Seamen. 

Zodiac decorated archway. 

Chapel for the Royal Hospital.

Everything was sea-inspired, with roping detail, anchors, and mer-people everywhere! This was the floor in the Royal Chapel.

The back entrance!

Tonight we are going to a pub in Camden, the really groovy town I've blogged about once, so I should have some good stories! :) 


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